It is cloudy..but still beautiful.

Every once a while there comes a time when you revel in the happiness that is life. You feel gifted to be in your own shoes and look forward to the grand plans that lay ahead.

But, when you are smiling and dreaming, life can throw a rude shocker at your face. “Wake up you stupid! Stop smiling!!” can yell out.

I would not have believed that line myself ..until yesterday.

I walked in to my workplace all cheerful, ready to tackle the tasks for the day. What I wasn’t prepared, however, was to have all my ‘tasks’ taken away just like that.

I lost my job yesterday.

Re-organization and re-structuring were the reasons they gave. The blow came really hard on a bunch of us unsuspecting people.

I gasped a little, but held a straight face. The VP’s of two departments who sat in front of me made very kind faces. I broke a weak smile and acknowledged.

I must have sighed more than half dozen times and adjusted my hair more than that, but nothing could stop the shivering.

Then, there came a silver lining.

The director of my department as well as my manager had spoken highly of me and my skills. They felt I was a valuable resource. If this role is eliminated, I could be a good fit someplace else in the same company. “Would  you like to interview for the other role in that other department?”, they asked.

“Sure” was my reply. Any piece of lumber to stay afloat when you are sinking..

Few phone calls later with execs of that other department, the silver lining looked brighter and more beautiful. The new role looked exciting, in fact more than the one I was relieved  from!

The interview rounds are scheduled for tomorrow. I am nervous, but I have stopped shivering…a sense of calm has taken over.

The rude shocker did jolt me. But, I am still smiling. “Now, take that Life!” I want to say, “Sorry, I cannot but stay happy” 🙂

My heart goes out to those others who lost their jobs too last morning, who were the only bread winners to the family, along with a mortgage to pay. May they find their dream job very soon.

Meanwhile, I am preparing for the interview tomorrow.

Also, praying hard I make it. Will you do too, for me please?


Updated to add:

All rounds of interview went pretty well. I was seemingly confident and nicely camouflaged my nervousness..or so I think 🙂

I am still waiting to hear the outcome though. Just been told that it might take a couple more days. The wait is killing , but an insider information updated me that things seem to be moving in my favor! 😀

I do not want to count my eggs before they hatch or get too excited. Will wait until they inform me officially. And, of course, will post the result here as soon as I have it – whatever that may be.

It has not been easy for the past few days. But the one thing that kept me going was the goodwill and heartwarming wishes from you all out there. I am truly Thankful to each one of your comments and emails. You have no idea how much you helped! 🙂  ]

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31 Responses to It is cloudy..but still beautiful.

  1. NM says:

    Of course, you will be included in my thoughts Sweetie!

    I am sure you will do well and grab a new position in no time. wish you great luck and will wait to hear how it all went.

  2. Mayborngemini says:

    Good Luck!!!!! Let us know how it went…

  3. sreelu says:

    you will be in my prayers and wishing you the very very best muah !!

  4. Tight hugs. Good wishes. Plenty of prayers your way 🙂

  5. Bikram says:

    All the best and I am sure it will be all fine and you will do GREAT …
    my wishes you way all the the way ..

  6. Sig says:

    *hugs* darling – I can only imagine how much of a shock that would have been. You’re good to see the silver lining in the situation and I’m hoping all goes well for the next steps 🙂

  7. Tight hugs and loads of prayers and best wishes your way, dear 🙂 You didn’t have to ask us to pray for you 🙂 God bless 🙂

  8. Pepper says:

    Sweetheart, this is a promotion in disguise. I am telling you 🙂

  9. LF says:

    Hugs dear, good luck! I am sure you will clear the interview and get new position. My prayers with you. Stay calm..

  10. Hugs doll!!

    U know, if anyone can do it, its you 🙂

    Give the interview ur best shot and u will definitely be able to get through it!

  11. Comfy says:

    You have all of us behind you sending out our wishes so you have nothing to worry about. I am sure you will come out of this in a better place than you were.

    Hugs, loads of them.

  12. Sraikh says:

    Sending you good thoughts. Good luck tomorrow.

  13. Bubblegum says:

    Give the best! 🙂 🙂 Hugs and yes… All the best chak de fatte!

  14. Anusha says:

    Wishing u all the luck with the interview !!!

    I love the spirit of yours ,”“Sorry, I cannot but stay happy”

  15. tons and tons of good luck to you!! im praying, we all are, that job is yours! Much love and hugs ahk.

  16. RS says:

    Oh Sh*t! Thats the first thought! You really are very brave – I would’ve perhaps wept buckets and made a fool of myself in front of those VPs.

    But like the silver lining – Darling! ALL THE VERRRRYYYY BEST!

    And Im sure you WILL get that other job! ((HUGS))

  17. An old timer who shut her blog says:

    Will definitely include this agenda in my special evening prayer today 🙂 All the best. As they say ‘everything that happens, happens for good’. I never used to believe it, but it’s true in retrospective.

  18. Preethi says:

    Wishing you all the best AHK. The new job is yours for sure. I was in the same situation few years back, and I can very well understand how difficult it is to maintian your composure when they break the news.
    Anyway, good luck and my prayers with you.

  19. anithasundaram says:

    ATB AHK..Do well! That job is yours ,i say..don worry 🙂

  20. R's Mom says:

    All the best AHK! praying for you with all my might!

  21. Double Inverted Commas says:

    All the best. You are a survivor 🙂

  22. Neha says:

    Didn’t comment here before, but enjoy reading your blog. All the best for the interview and you will definitely do great. Will include you in my prayers.

  23. Stone says:

    Wish you all the luck for interview. Take care!

  24. Achu says:

    Hugs!! Best wishes for the interview. I’m sure you’ll do great.. Will definitely pray for you…

  25. DI says:

    Lots of prayers and best wishes for you! I am sure the best will happen to you!

  26. Am i too late to wish you well?? Bestest Bestest wishes to you AHK!

  27. Anu says:

    Sending good wishes your way! You are in my prayers! Hope everything went of well and you landed the job! Do tell us about it…

  28. Anu says:

    Sending good wishes your way! You are in my prayers! Hope everything went off well and you landed the job! Do tell us about it…

  29. DewdropDream says:

    Attagirl! You seem to dealing with it quite well, sending you loads of good wishes 🙂 Hope you landed the other role, but if not, something else is bound to turn up. Things usually work out one way or the other, hang in there and smile your way through this!

  30. Deepa says:

    By the time you read this comment, you would have already nailed the job :). Good luck to you!

  31. Minal says:

    Hey- am praying. like really hard. am sure you would get this. hang on!

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